Our Risk Assessments, Insurance and Licences

Get in touch if you require more information or have questions about our risk assessments.

Our Water Play Risk Assessment informs families about what the hazards are and the risk mitigation strategies.

Our BIG Field Permission Letter details what we ask of families to consider before their child takes part in this activity.

Our Sensory Garden Risk Assessment informs families about what the hazards are and the risk mitigation strategies.

Our BIG Field Permission Letter details what we ask of families to consider before their child takes part in this activity.

Our Sensory Garden Risk Assessment informs families about what the hazards are and the risk mitigation strategies.

Our Sensory Garden Permission Letter details what we ask of families to consider before their child takes part in this activity.

Our Wildlife Walk Risk Assessment informs families about what the hazards are and the risk mitigation strategies.

Our Wildlife Walk Permission Letter details what we ask of families to consider before their child takes part in this activity.

Our Library Visit Assessment informs families about what the hazards are and the risk mitigation strategies.

Our Library Visit Permission Letter details what we ask of families to consider before their child takes part in this activity.

Our Swimming Lesson Risk Assessment informs families about what the hazards are and the risk mitigation strategies.

Our Swimming Lesson Permission Letter details what we ask of families to consider before their child takes part in this activity.

Our Farm Visit Risk Assessment informs families about what the hazards are and the risk mitigation strategies.

Our Farm Visit Permission Letter details what we ask of families to consider before their child takes part in this activity.

Our Educational Visit Risk Assessment informs families about what the hazards are and the risk mitigation strategies.

This applies to all visits off-site within Atherstone.

Our Educational Visit Permission Letter details what we ask of families to consider before their child takes part in this activity.

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