Frequently Asked Questions

We send out correspondence to parents via email.  This information can be seen here.

Please read the answers to our most frequently asked questions.

Can I put food containing nuts and sesame seeds in my child's snack/lunch box? 


We are a nut free and sesame seed free setting.

Please check the labels on all food that you put in your child's snack/lunchbox.

Many products from Aldi contain these. 

We have to remove and dispose of any opened food products.  We have to leave any unopened food products in the child's box.

Does my child need a water bottle?


We only provide water.

Children under 3 years old should not be given flavoured water (squash).

If you provide flavoured water (squash), we will only re-fill their water bottle with water.


How do I cut grapes?

Cut all grapes vertically.

Please do not send in uncut grapes.  Or grapes cut horizontally.  These are a choking hazard.

Please see our Choking Hazard Policy for more information.

How do I cut sausages?

Cut all sausages vertically.

Please do not send in uncut sausages.  Or sausages cut horizontally.

Please see our Choking Hazard Policy for more information.

What does a healthy lunch look like?

A healthy lunch includes, pasta, rice, brown bread, vegetables, salad and fruit.  

Please avoid sugary biscuits, sweets, chocolate and items high in salt.

Do I need to label my child's clothes and shoes?


Please label all clothes and shoes.

Please regularly check your child's bag for items that may not belong to them.

Can I leave my child's bag at the setting?


Please leave all of the items that your child needs at the setting.

If you take your child's bag home, please make sure that it is stored and re-packed ready to be returned.

Can my child bring toys to the setting?


Toys often get broken, are mis-placed and can cause a choking hazard to other children.  This can be upsetting for all children involved.

If a child needs a comforter, blanket or soft item, please label this item and let a member of staff know that they have this in their bag.

If toys are brought-in for a project, please label them and put them in a separate bag.

What outdoor winter clothes does my child need?

We go outside in all weathers.

Please provide as many items of warm clothing that you can between November and March.

Hat, gloves, scarf, fleece-lined all-in-one, waterproof coat, waterproof trousers, wellingtons, warm socks.

Please read the labels of the clothes that you provide to ensure that these can be worn outdoors and will keep you child warm.

What indoor clothes does my child need to wear?

Please provide slippers for indoors.

Layering clothes is a great idea.

Please provide a change of socks.  Socks can get muddy when they are worn with wellies.  

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