Our Facilities

Our building is specifically designed to create safeguarded zones.

Rooms used all year by our Nursery School children are zoned for security and safeguarding.  Multipurpose rooms used during term-time will be available for other uses during evenings, school holidays and weekends.  These will have their own secure and safeguarded zones.

This creates a unique learning facilities with additional opportunities for those attending the Nursery School and those in our local community.  It makes maximum use and efficiency of the facilities for all.

We will be based inside our temporary home at Alder Mill during 2023 whilst our new facilities are built onsite.

Oak Room -open within Alder Mill

For those children who are with us term-time and all year.

Our Oak Room is designed for 2 to 4 year olds.

This room will have spaces for large group learning, small group learning, one-to-one learning and independent learning.  Activities in the Oak Room are all about developing a love of learning and developing the skills for a positive transition into school.

We intend to have a Book Barn and our unique Cyber Space for digital technologies (photography, animation, coding).  

The room will have access to the garden and outdoor play area.

Willow Room - open within Alder Mill

For those children who are with us during term-time and all-year.

Our Willow Room is designed for under 3 year olds.

This room is designed for building confidence in independent creativity, taking on new challenges and active learning.  It is a busy space with lots of hands-on learning.

This room will have access to the garden and outdoor learning spaces.

Juniper Room (opening 2024)

For those children who are our youngest and who are with us during term-time mornings and afternoons.

This room is for little ones who are exploring.  It is a sensory learning space. There will be space for sleeping, sharing stories, songs and role play.

The Outdoors

We will have our garden and play area for all to enjoy.

Our Garden - We have a lovely garden space that is all-weather.  The area is full of hands-on activities (busy boards, chalk boards, potting, sand play and water play). 

Our Play Area - We have a lovely play area that is all-weather.  The area is full of play equipment - ride-on toys, construction toys, role-play toys.

Juniper Room In The Dark - open within the Willow Room

Our Sensory Space.

We believe in using a range of sensory resources to stimulate a little one's brain.  Our 'In The Dark' and sensory sessions will support our little ones .

The Juniper Room will host weekend and holiday time sessions for parents with babies and toddlers.

Cyber Space

Technological and media learning for little ones!

Photography - children will have access to digital cameras to take photographs of the outdoors.  We have many animals, insects, birds, trees, plants and flowers that are are interest in nature.  For topic work, children will photograph objects of interest.  Their photographs will be displayed and exhibited for families to enjoy.

Coding - children will have access to coding robots and tools to learn and use simple commands.

Animation - children will use stop-frame animation to create short films using toys and objects.  These will be focused on topics, stories and songs.

Our Book Barn

We will have a Book Barn of books for sharing.

Children will be supported to choose books for their own interest and to share with others.  They will be able to borrow books to share with their family at home.

Books will be chosen for topics and special interest.  There will be books - lift the flap, finger trails, touch and feel, poster, noisy, interactive, mix and match, and smelly!

We will have classic stories, stories from around the world, multi-language stories and stories that teach morals and life lessons.

Combined Willow Room and Juniper Room (opening 2025)

Both rooms are able to be combined into one space.

Our dual room space will be able to be used during holiday and weekend periods for special events.

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